
Through The Eyes of Carlie Jade



10×10 Declutter Challenge

Do you ever just look around and think you’ve got too much stuff? That you have no place for your stuff? Sometimes I do. (First world problem, I know!) Every now and then I get the urge to clean/sort through things and occasionally I come across something online to inspire me. I was reading about a 30 day declutter challenge and decided to come up with my own, as with a baby and my own attention span, I thought something shorter would be more realistic for me. Continue reading “10×10 Declutter Challenge”

Lacking motivation…… and two things to try!

It’s been a slow morning and even the two things that I’m about to list below weren’t helping. I’ve had the morning off work and could have done so many things – grocery shopping, exercise, writing, cleaning the house, etc. What did I do instead? Watched interviews on youtube about the cast of Pretty Little Liars. Yes, my motivation was seriously lacking!

What do I usually do to get going, get inspired, get something (anything) done? Continue reading “Lacking motivation…… and two things to try!”

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